Bosal Rawhide Vaquero Style- Soft Nose 2-Tone
12-Plait Traditional Old Vaquero styling Hand Braided all natural (no bleach) Rawhide Bosal with glovey soft Leather nose. Less harsh than all rawhide nose. Great for sensitive horses easy going and first bosal hackamore. Has Natural Rawhide Cores and is Available in 4 width/diameters. Pencil/Bosalito , 1/2″ width, 5/8″ width and 3/4″ width . We can do special order colors.. see photos.. just give us a call .. Or if you want To upgrade to 16 plait
Perfect for all your Cowboy Horse Training needs when you prefer better quality. 
You may also want to add a Bosal Shaper
We have regular and large horse and mule sizes and now DRAFT available in larger size 29″-30″ nose circumference around. Must specify nose circumference.
Please call John for help 530-545-0139 and custom color combos
RW3211F soft nose