Back on Track Therapeutic No Bow Wraps
Back on Track’s Therapeutic No Bow Leg Wraps are designed with Welltex, a high tech material that uses infrared technology to speed recovery, reflecting your horse’s body heat back to sore muscles and tendons. The snug fitting material is designed to decrease swelling to keep your horse’s legs cool and tight during exercise, improving performance during sport. Wraps are sold in pairs.
- Not your average material: Welltex, a proprietary blend of minerals exclusive to Back on Track, is infused into individual fibers that make up the material that lines these wraps. This special combination of minerals radiates energy back to the body using long wave infrared radiation. Welltex has been proven to improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and improve overall performance.
- Pain relief: Great for horses recovering from injuries.
- Overnight use: After a strenuous ride, pair leg wraps with standing bandages for up to 8 hours.
- Supportive: Applies steady, even pressure to reduce inflammation.
- Padded protection: Ideal for stabling and trailer travel.