Confidence, 2 oz
Pets shyness or bravado is tempered, enabling balanced personalities. Puppy mill victims, abused, rescued, aggressive animals often just need to find a safe place in the world, this remedy offers this stability. Balance learning and confidence levels not too shy and not too bold imperative in establishing trust. For dogs, cats, and horses.
Flower essences of Sweet Pea, Red Clover, Mustard, and Gorse. Flower essences improve problematic behavior, attitudes, emotions, and patterns of learning. Essences are simple, effective, and highly successful because they go to the root cause of mental and emotional problems.
Directions: For best results, shake well before use. Lightly mist the air, toys, equipment, or bedding several times a day. Or put 4 sprays 4 times daily in water, food or treats – shared with others is fine. Or spray your hands and gently pet. Avoid nose and eyes. Self-splashing is encouraged. In emergencies: Use every 5 to 10 minutes for 1st hour and then every 30 minutes as needed.