Dynamint Udder Cream
Dynamint Udder Cream
Dynamint is the most effective udder massage aid available. Use it as an aid in reducing udder edema in the fresh cow and mastitis “flare-up” when early detection is possible.
Directions: Gently massage a generous application of Dynamint to the udder as needed.
Organic Approved Dynamint Contains:
- Peppermint – Increases circulation, generates heat and reduces swelling. It’s an effective circulation stimulant with localized cooling and toning properties.
- Calendula (marigold) – Increases circulation, reducing swelling and bruising.
- Eucalyptus – Conditions skin
- Tea Tree Oil – Conditions, soothes and disinfects. It penetrates deep into tissue, where it reduces inflammation and promotes healing.
Available in Green or White.