Heated Flat Back Bucket
Heated Flat Back Bucket
Allied Precision’s heated flat back bucket features a built-in thermostat to keep water ice-free in temperatures as low as 20 below zero. The bucket has a three prong cord with a chew protector and the heater is completely hidden within the walls of the bucket. The cord storage compartment under the bucket allows for it to be used as a regular bucket during the off-season. The flat-back allows the bucket to be conveniently hung in a stall and lays flush against the wall. Each unit comes complete with a sturdy bail and a six foot power cord.
Key Features:
- built-in thermostat
- chew protected cord
- hidden heater
- sturdy bale
- flat-back
- great for large dogs or horses
Available Sizes:
- 10 Quart: 2.5 gallons, 70 watts, 120 volts, 60 Hz, model #10FB
- 20 Quart: 5 gallons, 115 watts, 120 volts, 60 Hz, model #20FB