NovaVive Amplimune Immunostimulant for Calves
Amplimune for calves
Amplimune is a one-time immunotherapeutic treatment for calves 1 to 5 days old. Amplimune is used to reduce mortality and clinical signs associated with calf scours caused by E. coli K99. Administer 1 ml intravenously.
Amplimune uses in cow calf and stocker with Dr Marc Campbell
Amplimune uses in stocker and feedyard with Dr Marc Campbell
Aseptically administer 1 ml intravenously. 21 day slaughter withdrawal. Early administration in the disease process stimulates non-antigen related defense mechanisms and enhances calf’s innate immune defense system to minimize and control damage caused by pathogenic E. coli. Anaphylactoid reactions may occur.
Antidote: Epinephrine. U.S. Lic. No. 289.
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