Rounded Romel Rein
Properly cared for and maintained this Superior Leather Romel Rein will have many years of quality performance. These Romal Reins are available in 1/2″ width and are made from premium Hermann Oak Harness Leather. 2 options- nickel ring Romal connector with rein snaps at bit, or leather thong romel connector with ties at bit
Rein portion is 50″ in length
The reins have rounded edges and are hand rubbed. Romel portion is 48″ in length.
Custom lengths available, please call 530-545-0139.
These romel reins are great for showing, pleasure and trail riding.
click on links, with our matching headstalls in browband (LH2761x), knot brow (LH2781x), slide ear (LH257x) and matching split reins (LR284x), and matching loop reins LR2861x and of course breast collars BC58x
Also available with fancy rawhide braiding accents— click here rawhide accents